Walk in Shanghai

With its futuristic skyline and sprawling network of streets, subway lines, and highways, Shanghai represents not just China’s unbridled dynamism, but also the rapidly maturing global economy. The bustling city of Shanghai, however, holds a further, complex and equally exhilarating narrative nestled at the feet of its towering skyscrapers. ‘Walk in Shanghai’ tells the story … read more


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The Tortoise and the Hare

One day a hare was bragging about how fast he could run. He bragged and bragged and even laughed at the tortoise, who was so slow. The tortoise stretched out his long neck and challenged the hare to a race, which, of course, made the hare laugh. “My, my, what a joke!” thought the hare. … read more

The Peacock’s Complaint

A peacock was very unhappy with his ugly voice, and he spent most of his days complaining about it. “It is true that you cannot sing,” said the fox, “But look how beautiful you are!” “Oh, but what good is all this beauty,” moaned the dishearten bird, “with such an unpleasant voice!” “Oh hear,” said … read more

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

There once was a boy who kept sheep not far from the village. He would often become bored and to amuse himself he would call out, “Wolf! Wolf,” although there was no wolf about. The villagers would stop what they were doing and run to save the sheep from the wolf’s jaw. Once they arrived … read more

The Wind and The Sun

The wind and the sun argued one day over which one was the stronger. Spotting a man man traveling on the road, they sported a challenge to see which one could remove the coat from the man’s back the quickest. The wind began. He blew strong gusts of air, so strong that the man could … read more

The Fox and the Crow

A fox was walking through the forest when he saw a crow sitting on a tree branch with a fine piece of cheese in her beak. The fox wanted the cheese and decided he would be clever enough to outwit the bird. “What a noble and gracious bird I see in the tree!” proclaimed the … read more