Category: Life
Inspirational life stories of exceptional people.
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The Boy Who Cried Wolf
There once was a boy who kept sheep not far from the village. He would often become bored and to amuse himself he would call out, “Wolf! Wolf,” although there was no wolf about. The villagers would stop what they were doing and run to save the sheep from the wolf’s jaw. Once they arrived … read more

The Fox and the Crow
A fox was walking through the forest when he saw a crow sitting on a tree branch with a fine piece of cheese in her beak. The fox wanted the cheese and decided he would be clever enough to outwit the bird. “What a noble and gracious bird I see in the tree!” proclaimed the … read more

The Wolf and the Crane
A wolf ravished his prey one day. He ate so fiercely and hungrily that a bone got lodged in his throat, causing him grievous pain. He howled and howled in agony and offered a rich reward to anyone who could remove the bone. A crane passing by considered the money, and after seeing the wolf … read more
Sunday Morning
Precious things are for those that can prize them.